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Ten years passed, and I found that he

Ten years passed, and I found that he had

  • Asome white hair
  • Ba few white hairs
  • Ca few white hair
  • Dmuch white hair



1、During these ten years, many new metho

During these ten years, many new methods have been()in the field of foreign language teaching.AadoptedBadaptedCalarmedDaided

2、I wish that he()to the movies with me

I wish that he()to the movies with me yesterday.AwentBcould goCwas goneDcould have gone

3、He has smoked for so many years that h

He has smoked for so many years that he can()give it upAdirectlyBmostlyCexactlyDhardly

4、I believe that truth and justice are f

I believe that truth and justice are fundamental to()social order.Aan endureBan endurableCan enduringDan endurance

5、I’ll ask the foreman and see()he’ll ag

I’ll ask the foreman and see()he’ll agree.AifBhowCwhyDthat

6、After()the shopping list, I found that

After()the shopping list, I found that I forgot to buy salt.AexaminingBtestingCcheckingDseeing