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Sidereal time is used by navigators wh

Sidereal time is used by navigators when().

  • Aused with the equation of time
  • Bused in the form of LHA Aries
  • Ccalculating the time of moonrise
  • Ddetermining local apparent time

1、By far the greatest use is for diesel

By far the greatest use is for diesel engine starting using air pressure of 25 bar or more provided by ().Arotary compressorsBreciprocating compressorsCcentrifugal compressorsDscrew compressor

2、Right ascension is primarily used by t

Right ascension is primarily used by the navigator for().Acalculating amplitudesBcalculating great circle sailings by the Agiton methodCentering the Air Navigation Tables (Selected Stars) Pub 249Dplotting on star finder

3、Sidereal time is NOT used().

Sidereal time is NOT used().Aas the basis for star chartsBto enter a star finderCin sight reduction using Pub 249Din sight reductions of planet observatio

4、A position that is obtained by using t

A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of position taken at nearly the same time,is a(n) ().AfixBrunning fixCestimated positionDdead-reckoning positio

5、A position that is obtained by using t

A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of position,taken at nearly the same time,is a(n)().Aestimated positionBfixCrunning fixDdead-reckoning positio

6、The INMARSAT system is open for use by

The INMARSAT system is open for use by()countries on a non-discriminatory basis.AsomeBlots ofCmanyDall