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During the power stroke of a four-stro

During the power stroke of a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, most of the side thrust of a trunk-type piston is absorbed by the()

  • Apiston skirt
  • Bpinion
  • Ccrosshead
  • Dcompression ring

1、In the cylinder head of a two-stroke/c

In the cylinder head of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, valves are used for()Aair intakeBa fuel outletCcooling water inletsDexhausting combustion ga

2、During a storm,the chance of fatigue f

During a storm,the chance of fatigue failure of a mooring line will increase as().Avessel motions increaseBmooring tensions decreaseCKG increasesDKG decrease

3、The effective stroke of a constant-str

The effective stroke of a constant-stroke, individual, fuel injection pump is varied by the ().Acontrol rackBdelivery valveCgovernor speedDplunger crossbar

4、The process of scavenging a two-stroke

The process of scavenging a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine serves to()Aimprove fuel flow volumeBcool the exhaust valvesCreduce the intake air charge densityDincrease the temperature of exhaust gase

5、The power factor is a measure of the p

The power factor is a measure of the phase difference between voltage and current and is expressed as the() of the phase angle.AsineBcosineCtangentDcotangent

6、If the turbocharger of a four-stroke/c

If the turbocharger of a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine fails to operate, which of the following statements best describes the probable effect?...