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Positive displacement, helical gear pu

Positive displacement, helical gear pumps are well suited for pumping oil because ()

  • Astuffing boxes eliminate the leakage problems usually associated with other gear pumps
  • Bit is not necessary to closely maintain design clearances with this pump
  • Cthey are essentially self-priming and produce a high suction lift
  • Dthese pumps are designed with extreme tooth angled



2、A variable displacement system of hydr

A variable displacement system of hydraulic drives consists of ().Aa variable displacement axial piston pumpBa constant displacement axial piston pumpCa reciprocating piston pumpDa centrifugal pum

3、As the displacement of a vessel increa

As the displacement of a vessel increases,the detrimental effect of free surface().AincreasesBdecreasesCremains the sameDmay increase or decrease depending on the fineness of the vessel's form

4、Each drilling unit equipped with helic

Each drilling unit equipped with helicopter fuel storage tanks must have the tanks installed as far as practicable from the().Alanding area and sources of vapor ignitionBmain deckCengine roomDdrill floor

5、The cubic inch(or liter) displacement

The cubic inch(or liter) displacement of a cylinder is determined by the diameter of the piston and the ()Alength of the crankshaftBvolume of the clearance spaceCweight of pistonDlength of the stroke

6、The upward pressure of displaced water

The upward pressure of displaced water is called().AbuoyancyBdeadweightCdraftDfreeboard