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Which of the following best represents

Which of the following best represents Mr. Westhusin’s attitude toward cloning?

  • A[A] Animal cloning is a stupid attempt.
  • B[B] Human cloning is not yet close to getting it worked out.
  • C[C] Cloning is too inefficient and should be stopped.
  • D[D] Animals cloning yes, and human cloning at least not now.

本题考查考生文中人物观点。文中多次引用了威斯苏森先生有关克隆的话,从中我们可以判断出他的态度。[A]中a stupid attempt出现在文章开始部分,是他对于克隆人而非克隆动物的看法。[B]中not yet close to getting it worked out出现在文章末句,是他对待动物实验的看法,不包括克隆人。事实上,克隆人还没有开始,谈不上是否接近成功。第二段末句,威斯苏森先生提到克隆是极其低效的,但没有提出因此就应该被禁止。因此,[C]部分错误。第二段倒数第二句,威斯苏森先生提出,动物实验中对动物卵的浪费以及动物的自然性流产还可以接受,但研究人就不行。可见,他默许克隆动物,反对克隆人,因此[D]正确。


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