可学答题网 > 问答 > 初中英语学科知识与教学能力,中学教师资格证,资格考试
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A / An _ language test, such as IELTS

A / An _ language test, such as IELTS or TOEFL, is developed on the basis of a fixed standard.

  • Aindividual-referenced
  • Bpeer-referenced
  • Cnorm-referenced
  • Dcriterion-referenced

解析:考查语言测试类型。标准参照语言测验(Criterion-referenced language test,简称CRT)是以考生个人与特定的标准(如教学目标)作为评价标准。所以,这种考试对考生来说,不管别人程度如何,关键在于确定自己是否达到了既定的目标。常模参照语言测验(Norm-referenced language test,简称NRT)是以考生个人在团体中的相对位置作为评价标准。所以,这种考试比较看重考生的个别差异。雅思(lEU'S)、托福(TOEFL)属于标准参照语言测验,代表了国际性英语标准化水平的测试。


1、A/An__language test,such as IELTS or T

A/An__language test,such as IELTS or TOEFL,is developed on the basis of a fixed standard.Anorm-referencedBpeer-referencedCindividual-referencedDcriterion-referenced

2、______is not a programming language.

______is not a programming language.ACOBOLBJavaCUMLDBasic

3、As a cold front passes an observer,pre

As a cold front passes an observer,pressure().Adrops and winds become variableBrises and winds become gustyCdrops and winds become gustyDrises and winds become variable

4、You work as a network engineer at Test

You work as a network engineer at TestKing.com. TestKing users have noticed extremely slow network performance, intermittent connectivity, and con...

5、A language proficiency test that only

A language proficiency test that only consists of multiple-choice questions lacks___.Aconstruct validityBcontent validityCtest reliabilityDscorer reliability

6、A language proficiency test that only

A language proficiency test that only consists of multiple-choice questions lacks_____.Aconstruct validityBcontent validityCtest reliabilityDscore reliability