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When a marine surveyor is employed to

When a marine surveyor is employed to assist in the move of a mobile offshore drilling unit,he().

  • Abecomes responsible for the safe movement of the rig
  • Brelieves the Offshore Installation Manager at the moment the rig is free from the bottom
  • Cmust be designated as the person in charge of the rig
  • Dis a specialist who is hired to provide advice and guidance on aspects of the move

1、When is it necessary to use a public I

When is it necessary to use a public IP address on a routing interface?()A Connect a router on a local network.B Connect a router to anoth...

2、When a line is subject to wear where i

When a line is subject to wear where it passes through a mooring chock,it should be().Awormed,parceled,and servedBwrapped with heavy tapeCwrapped with chafing gearDwrapped in leather

3、When a router is connected to a Frame

When a router is connected to a Frame Relay WAN link using a serial DTE interface, how is the interface clock rate determined()。AIt is sup...

4、When a ship is entering to shallow wat

When a ship is entering to shallow water, ship resistance will be increased and the speed of main engine reduced.Due to the function of the ...

5、When a vessel is in any doubt as to wh

When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation exists she shall()that it does exist and act accordingly.AconsumeBassumeCperfumeDresume

6、When it is necessary to open a refrige

When it is necessary to open a refrigeration system for repairs and the system will be open for more than a few minutes, the open ends of the system should be ().AdehydratedBpurgedCpluggedDevacuated