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A thermostatic expansion valve is prop

A thermostatic expansion valve is properly controlling evaporator superheatAdjusting this valve to lower the superheat will result in a/an ().

  • Aevaporator pressure decrease
  • Bevaporator coil over-feed
  • Cevaporator capacity increase
  • Dexpansion valve diaphragm rupture

1、Thermostatic expansion valves can be a

Thermostatic expansion valves can be adjusted for ().Asuction pressure onlyBhead pressure onlyCsuperheat onlyDsuction pressure and box temperature

2、The expansion valve on a Freon system

The expansion valve on a Freon system controls the ().Asuperheat of the gas leaving the compressorBback pressure in the evaporatorCtemperature of the iceboxDsuperheat of the gas leaving the evaporator

3、A(n) () is a special type of valve whi

A(n) () is a special type of valve which prevents the passage of steam but allows condensate to pass.Acheck valveBnon-return valveCsteam trapDquick closing tra

4、The thermal expansion valve reacts dir

The thermal expansion valve reacts directly to the ()Atemperature in the space being cooledBliquid refrigerant pressure at the solenoid valveCpressure drop across the evaporator coilsDrefrigerant gas superheat at the coil outlet

5、A relief valve for a cargo pump is gen

A relief valve for a cargo pump is generally installed().Aafter the discharge valveBbetween the pump and discharge valveCafter the suction valveDbetween the pump and suction valve

6、A three-way thermostatic control valve

A three-way thermostatic control valve regulates the diesel engine cooling water temperature by passing a portion of the water ().Aaround the engineBaround the coolerCto the expansion tankDoverboard