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At the()of the police, those people ra

At the()of the police, those people ran off in all directions.

  • Asight
  • Blook
  • Cwatch
  • Dview

1、The number of people who have died of

The number of people who have died of bird flu since 2003 is _______.A 63B 124C 7.4 millionD 50 million

2、She()to see so many people at the part

She()to see so many people at the party.AthrilledBthrillCwas thrillingDwas thrilled

3、The six points of the People.s Charter

The six points of the People.s Charter were achieved gradually over the period of()although the sixth has never been practical.A1836-1848B1842-1848C1848-1908D1858-1918

4、23.People in the Northeast of America

23.People in the Northeast of America usually have heart disease in _________.A MarchB AugustC JulyD December

5、People between the ages of()and 70(65

People between the ages of()and 70(65 in Scotland)whose names appear on the electoral register,with certain exceptions,are liable for jury service and their names are chosen at random.A18B19C20D21

6、Just over 70% of people()for the surve

Just over 70% of people()for the survey said the net had become essential.Ato questionBquestionedCquestionDquestioning