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Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will

Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will


1、Very few plants will()without water.

Very few plants will()without water.AflourishBfadeCstemDcultivate

2、表示“强壮”意思的英文表达是as strong as a()。

表示“强壮”意思的英文表达是as strong as a()。AhorseBlionCcowDtiger

3、A strong,often violent,northerly wind

A strong,often violent,northerly wind occurring on the Pacific coast of Mexico,particularly during the colder months,is a().APapagayoBfall windCfoehnDwilliwaw

4、The strong wind will make us()here for

The strong wind will make us()here for some days.ATo stayBStayingCStayDStayed

5、A vessel has a strong wind on the port

A vessel has a strong wind on the port beam. This has the same affect on stability as().Aweight that is off-center to starboardBincreasing the draftCreducing the freeboardDincreasing the trim

6、Hearing a strong noise, () at once.

Hearing a strong noise, () at once.Athe engine stoppedBthe engine was stoppedChe stopped the engineDhe had stopped the engine