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The spur geared mooring winches have a

The spur geared mooring winches have advantages over worm geared ones in()

  • Ahigher efficiency of the gear train while reversing
  • Bthe higher gear ratio
  • Cthe multi-start feature
  • Dhigher recovering speed

1、Electric cargo winches have an overloa

Electric cargo winches have an overload safety device which normally cuts the current to the winch motor().Aafter torque causes line pull to ...

2、Pitted reduction gear teeth having a d

Pitted reduction gear teeth having a deep blue color with evidence of overheating have been operated with ()Aexcessive speedBimproper warm-upCextreme misalignmentDinadequate lubricatio

3、The oil in a cargo winch gear box shou

The oil in a cargo winch gear box should be sampled periodically to ().Aprevent the gear box from leakingBprevent the oil from becoming inflammableCmake sure it has not become contaminatedDmake sure the motor bearings are lubricated

4、The control rod of a steering gear pum

The control rod of a steering gear pump is attached at its outer end to ().Athe hunting gearBthe rudder stockCthe rudder controllerDthe feedback unit

5、The duty of a deck winch is to lift an

The duty of a deck winch is to lift and lower a load by means of a fixed rope on ().Aa warp endBa mooring winchCa worm gearDa barrel

6、Worm geared automatic mooring winches

Worm geared automatic mooring winches are () as the multi-start feature reduces the advantage of worm gear iethe high gear radio.ApopularBcommonCin lead positionDuncommo