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There is another thing I want to let y

There is another thing I want to let you know.The lighting in the hold is very poor,even ()dark to work the cargo.

  • Aif
  • Bvery
  • Ctoo
  • Dvery much

1、Whom are you looking()?I want to see y

Whom are you looking()?I want to see your Chief Mate.AonBinCforDat

2、Fog is likely to occur when there is l

Fog is likely to occur when there is little difference between the dew point and the().Arelative humidityBair temperatureCbarometric pressureDabsolute humidity

3、Chief officer,I have()things to tell y

Chief officer,I have()things to tell you.Aa littleBa fewClittleDmuch

4、One use of networks is to let several

One use of networks is to let several computers share______such as file systems, printers, and tape drives.ACPUBmemoryCresourcesDdata

5、There is () information on how to get

There is () information on how to get the cheap fears.AfewBafewClittle

6、"If there is one thing I’m sure about,

"If there is one thing I’m sure about, it is that in a hundred years from now we will still be reading newspapers. It is not that newsp...