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SEARCHABLE NOTICES TO MARINERS can be searched by all the following options except().

  • AChart Number only
  • BChart Number + Previous NM Number/Year
  • CChart Number + Between Previous and Present Dates
  • DCumulative Number

1、The following measures can be used to

The following measures can be used to improve oily water separator’s separating effect except ()Aoverhauling every two yearBworking at intervalsCrenewing filtration materialDpumping bilge water from different layers respectively

2、A subquery can be used to ().

A subquery can be used to ().A Create groups of dataB Sort data in a specific orderC Convert data to a different formatD Retrieve data based on an unknown conditio

3、Bridge gauge can be used to measure ()

Bridge gauge can be used to measure () of a diesel engine.Adiameters of journalsBdeflections of crankwebsCdiameters of crankpinsDnone of the above

4、The issue of Notices to Mariners of ch

The issue of Notices to Mariners of charts and these aids(Radar beacons)may be delayed until such time as they are assessed to be().AtemporaryBpermanentCoccasionalDsteady

5、Which parameter can be tuned to affect

Which parameter can be tuned to affect the selection of a static route as a backup.when a dynamic protocol is also being used?()A link bandwidthB hop countC link costD administrative distanceE link delay

6、()can be used to prevent hydraulic sys

()can be used to prevent hydraulic system overloaded or keep the pressure of oil outlet from pump constant.AOverflow valveBReducing valveCBalancing valveDReducing valve or balancing valve