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On a turbo-charged, medium-speed diese

On a turbo-charged, medium-speed diesel engine, which of the following problems is an indication of a restricted air intake passage?()

  • AEngine is hard to start
  • BEngine misses
  • CSurges at governed RPM
  • DCoolant temperature is too low

1、Which of the turbo-charging systems li

Which of the turbo-charging systems listed operates with the least average back pressure in the exhaust manifold?()AConstant volumeBConstant pressureCPulse pressureDRadial flow

2、Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diese

Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diesel engine can cause ().Aclogged filtersBpoor combustionCoverloading of the dieselDshock of fuel line

3、A six-cylinder, two-stroke/cycle diese

A six-cylinder, two-stroke/cycle diesel engine is fitted with a rotary distributing air starting systemThe speed of the rotating distributor disc is ()Aone-half engine speedBthe same as engine speedCtwice engine speedDfour times engine speed

4、The purpose of the flywheel of a diese

The purpose of the flywheel of a diesel engine is to ().Acounterbalance the crank throws on the crankshaftBkeep the engine running smoothly b...

5、On a medium-speed main propulsion dies

On a medium-speed main propulsion diesel engine, the crank-pin or crank journal bearings receive lubricating oil from ().Aa spindle lubricatorBan oil jetCinternal splashingDdrilled passages in the crankshaft

6、When starting air is admitted, a diese

When starting air is admitted, a diesel engine turns over very slowly without firingThe cause may be ()Aan obstruction in an cylinderBwater accumulation in some engine cylindersClow starting air pressureDlow scavenge air pressure