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An orange and white buoy indicating a

An orange and white buoy indicating a vessel-exclusion area will be marked with what symbol? ()

  • AOpen-faced diamond
  • BDiamond with a cross
  • CCircle
  • DSquare

1、What indicates a dual purpose buoy? ()

What indicates a dual purpose buoy? ()ARed buoy with a horizontal yellow bandBRed and white vertically-striped buoy with a vertical yellow stripeCRed and white vertically-striped buoy with a red spherical topmarkDGreen buoy with a yellow square

2、A white buoy with an open-faced orange

A white buoy with an open-faced orange diamond on it indicates().AdangerBvessels are excluded from the areaCthe buoy is a mooring buoyDoperating restrictions are in effect

3、A buoy having red and green horizontal

A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of().Ainterrupted quick flashingBcomposite group flashingCMorse (A)Dquick flashing

4、A white buoy with a blue band is().

A white buoy with a blue band is().Aan isolated danger markBa hydrographic data collection buoyCa mooring buoyDmarking a restricted area

5、An orange flag showing a black circle

An orange flag showing a black circle and square is a().Asignal indicating a course changeBdistress signalCsignal of asking to communicate with another vesselDsignal indicating danger

6、An orange and white buoy marking an ar

An orange and white buoy marking an area where operating restrictions are in effect will be marked with which symbol? ()AOpen-faced diamondBDiamond with a crossCCircleDRectangle