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At a rough estimate,Nigeria is()Great

At a rough estimate,Nigeria is()Great Britain.

  • Athree times as big as
  • Bthree times as bigger as
  • Cas three times big as
  • Das three times gigger a

1、To be frank, ()is a great joy for me t

To be frank, ()is a great joy for me to win the prize.AthisBthatCitDthere

2、() is the temperature at which a liqui

() is the temperature at which a liquid fuel gives off sufficient vapor to form an ignitable mixture near its surface.ASetting pointBDew pointCFlash pointDLean point

3、Passage 2 A great deal of attention is

Passage 2 A great deal of attention is being paid today to the socalled digital divide — the division of the world into the info(informati...

4、A vessel is()when she is not at anchor

A vessel is()when she is not at anchor,made fast to the shore,or aground.AunderwayBmaking wayCdead in the waterDa power driven vessel

5、A mercurial barometer at sea is subjec

A mercurial barometer at sea is subject to rapid variations in height (“pumping”) due to the pitch and roll of the vessel. To avoid this e...

6、A vessel aground at night is required

A vessel aground at night is required to show two red lights in a vertical line as well as ().Anot under command lightsBrestricted in her ability to maneuver lightsCanchor lightsDsidelights and a sternlight