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A condition contributing to diesel en

A condition contributing to diesel engine piston rings sticking in the ring grooves, is insufficient ring clearance at the ring() Ⅰ.gap Ⅱ.side

  • AⅠonly
  • BⅡ only
  • Cboth Ⅰ and Ⅱ
  • Dneither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ

1、A diesel engine fails to start because

A diesel engine fails to start because of water in the fuelIn order to start the engine, you should ()?Aturn engine with jacking gearBdrain...

2、Late fuel oil injection in a diesel en

Late fuel oil injection in a diesel engine can result in ()Afuel knockBincreased powerClow compression pressureDhigh exhaust temperature

3、To correct the condition of slugging a

To correct the condition of slugging and flooding back in a refrigeration system, it may be necessary to ().Are-adjust the discharge pressureBclean the expansion valve screenCadd refrigerantDadjust the expansion valve

4、If the firing pressures in a diesel en

If the firing pressures in a diesel engine are high, although the exhaust temperatures are normal, the cause may be()Aearly injection timingBw...

5、The burning of fuel oil in a diesel en

The burning of fuel oil in a diesel engine having a high sodium content, will cause ()Acorrosion and grooving of exhaust valvesBcorrosion and...

6、Significant retardation of a diesel en

Significant retardation of a diesel engine fuel injection timing will result in ()Asmoother engine operationBadvanced fuel ignitionCincreased fuel economyDreduced engine power