可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶电气与船舶安全题库
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Dirt lodged on the nozzle valve seat o

Dirt lodged on the nozzle valve seat of a fuel injection nozzle will cause()

  • Aerosion and cratering of the nozzle orifices
  • Bfuel leakage into the nozzle drain line
  • Cfuel leakage before and after injection
  • Dinsufficient fuel delivery though that nozzle

1、Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm fl

Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight Detroit?()AHello! International Airline.BYou‘d better look up the schedule first.CI‘m sorry, but it‘s completely booked.DI‘m afraid you have to change.

2、When the starting air valve closes on

When the starting air valve closes on one cylinder, another starting air valve has () opened on another cylinder whose piston has just commenced its downward stroke.AjustBnearlyCmerelyDalready

3、In setting the valves on a steam-smoth

In setting the valves on a steam-smothering system on a tank vessel,the master control valve to cargo tanks should be().Aopen and individual...

4、Safety valves on a boiler vent to the

Safety valves on a boiler vent to the ().Afuel tankBbilgeCatmosphereDauxiliary exhaust line

5、The valve on the discharge side of a c

The valve on the discharge side of a cargo pump on a tanker will usually be a().Abutterfly valveBspectacle valveCcheck valveDglobe valve

6、The expansion valve on a Freon system

The expansion valve on a Freon system controls the ().Asuperheat of the gas leaving the compressorBback pressure in the evaporatorCtemperature of the iceboxDsuperheat of the gas leaving the evaporator