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When()clean ballast water from any ves

When()clean ballast water from any vessel,an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.

  • Adischarging
  • Brecircling
  • Cloading
  • Dtaking i

1、The heated feed-water entering any fla

The heated feed-water entering any flash chamber of a flash-type evaporator will()Avaporize, with the un-flashed water remaining at the temperat...

2、Before personnel are lifted from a ves

Before personnel are lifted from a vessel in a personnel basket,the vessel should be().Adirectly under the boomBmoving away from the boomCstopped dead in the waterDtied to the boom

3、Ballast water can only be()in cargo ta

Ballast water can only be()in cargo tanks in exceptional cases where the particular character of the operation of an oil tanker renders it n...

4、They were asked to avoid()any water wh

They were asked to avoid()any water which had not been boiled.AdrinkingBnot to be drunkCto drinkDhaving

5、To()sanitary water from any vessel,an

To()sanitary water from any vessel,an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.AdischargeBrecircleCloadDtake i

6、The distance from the still water leve

The distance from the still water level (corrected for tides and storm surge) to the bottom of the hull of a ship is the().Aair gapBfreeboardCpenetrationDwater depth