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May I use my credit card here?()

May I use my credit card here?()

  • AYou can't.
  • BNo one uses it.
  • CI am afraid you can't.
  • DWho told you?

1、I put my coat here? Sorry, you()

I put my coat here? Sorry, you()AMay; mustn'tBDo; don'tCcan; needn'tDMay; can't

2、Vessels in port may use()for receiving

Vessels in port may use()for receiving typhoon warnings during the typhoon season.Atheir transmittersBtheir receiversCtheir radarsDtheir lora

3、Wait here and I'll get my car and go t

Wait here and Ill get my car and go there together.()AI‘m sorry to have kept you waiting.BYour sports car is fabulous.CI‘m afraid I won‘t wait very long.DWhy bother? It‘s within walking distance.

4、47. —Excuse me,may I take a :;eat here

47. —Excuse me,may I take a :;eat here?A—________The man on the seat has already left.BA. Youd better notCB. No,thanksDC. Yes,please

5、—May I use your bike? _______ is broke

—May I use your bike? _______ is broken.A—Sure.BA. My Mine C.Yours

6、May I stay here longer thanplanned的中文意

May I stay here longer thanplanned的中文意思是()。AA、我可以延期吗BB、我想现在用餐CC、我可以换张长点的桌子吗DD、我想在这里等人