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This actually makes it harder to dress

This actually makes it harder to dress appropriately, but fortunately most offices also()a few signals.

  • Asend for
  • Bsend off
  • Csend up
  • Dsend out

1、It is difficult for her to make the fi

It is difficult for her to make the final decision now, __________ she is in adelicate situation.AifBunlessCuntilDsince

2、____ makes it possible for language us

____ makes it possible for language users to overcome the limitations of time and space in communication.AArbitrarinessBDualityCProductivityDDisplacement

3、You look great in this dress!()

You look great in this dress!()AYou can't wear it.BIt's not very expensiveCThank you.DYou are welcome.

4、It would be better to make a decision

It would be better to make a decision now, ______ leave it until next week.A other thanB rather thanC less thanD more than

5、——When shall we meet again?——Make it__

——When shall we meet again?——Make it___________day you like,it’s up to you.AoneBallyCanomerDsome

6、It’s hard to make talks successful bet

It’s hard to make talks successful between the British and Irish governments without the participation of()and()