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By law,a buyer should have()opportunit

By law,a buyer should have()opportunity to change his mind.

  • Aaccurate
  • Burgent
  • Cexcessive
  • Dadequate



1、Should the Buyers of the vessel cause

Should the Buyers of the vessel cause undue delay they shall()for the losses thereby incurred.Anot indemnify the BuyersBindemnify the BuyersCnot compensate the SellersDcompensate the Seller

2、A seaman is entitled by law to a relea

A seaman is entitled by law to a release from Foreign Articles when().AintoxicatedBthe vessel is overloadedCthere is a change of home portDthere is a change of Master

3、Charts should be corrected by using in

Charts should be corrected by using information published in the().ALight ListBAmerican Practical NavigatorCNotice to MarinersDCoast Pilot

4、Anchor shackles should have a breaking

Anchor shackles should have a breaking strength that is().Aequal to the chains they are connectingB25% more than the chains they are connectingC50% more than the chains they are connectingD100% more than the chains they are connecting

5、The buyer should open the ______L/C 30

The buyer should open the ______L/C 30 days _____the time of shipment.A relative.beforeB relevant.onC covering, afterD above, for

6、By law,a user of marijuana shall be su

By law,a user of marijuana shall be subject to().Aloss of pay during the period of such useBreprimand by the US Coast GuardCrevocation of license or certificateDtermination of employment