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First aid treatment for small cuts and

First aid treatment for small cuts and open wounds is to().

  • Alay the patient down and cover the wound when the bleeding stops
  • Bstop the bleeding,clean,medicate,and cover the wound
  • Capply an ice pack to the wound and cover it when the bleeding stops
  • Dapply a hot towel to purge the wound,then medicate and cover it

1、The best treatment for preventing trau

The best treatment for preventing traumatic shock after an accident is to().Ahave the victim exercise to increase circulationBkeep the victim from electrical equipmentCkeep the victim warm and dry while lying downDapply ice packs and avoid excitement

2、Which should NOT be a treatment for a

Which should NOT be a treatment for a person who has received a head injury and is groggy or unconscious?()AGive a stimulantBElevate his headCStop severe bleedingDTreat for shock

3、The FIRST treatment for a surface burn

The FIRST treatment for a surface burn is to().Awash the burned area with a warm soap and water solutionBflood,bathe,or immerse the burned ...

4、For small and medium-sized companies,

For small and medium-sized companies, those logistics management is still()AdecentralizedBcentralizedCintegratedDconcentrated

5、The first treatment given to a person

The first treatment given to a person overcome by benzene vapor should be to().Aremove them to fresh airBflush their face with water for about 5 minutesCstand them up and walk them aroundDremove their clothing and wrap them in blanket


FIRST AID KIT是()设备。A发报机B急救箱C应急医疗箱D灭火瓶