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A loud noise () my attention from cook

A loud noise () my attention from cooking and everything was burnt.

  • Adivided
  • Bdiverted
  • Cfocused
  • Dseparated

[解析] 句意:嘈杂的噪音转移了我做饭的注意力,所以什么都烧煳了。词义辨析。divert:转移(注意力);divide:分,分割;focus:集中,聚焦;separate:分开,分手。


1、I can hear the noise from cars()

I can hear the noise from cars()Ain nightBat nightCat evening

2、I _______ all the cooking for my famil

I _______ all the cooking for my family, but recently I’ve been too busy to do it.Awill doBdoCam doingDhad done

3、A loud clicking noise from the valve c

A loud clicking noise from the valve compartment of an operating diesel engine would indicate()Aworn valve seatsBworn main bearingCexcessive valve clearanceDweak rocker arm spring

4、Passage 2 A great deal of attention is

Passage 2 A great deal of attention is being paid today to the socalled digital divide — the division of the world into the info(informati...

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6、I all the cooking for my family, but r

I all the cooking for my family, but recently I’ve been too busy to do it.A will do B do C am doing D had done