目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

Visiting Moscow was great but the temp

Visiting Moscow was great but the temperature was 25 ______ freezing.

  • A under
  • B above
  • C below
  • D u



1、The visitors here are greatly impresse

The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that_______ people from all walks of life are working hard for_____ new Jiangsu.A不填; aB 不填;theC the; aD the; the

2、The news shocked the public, to great

The news shocked the public, to great concem about students’ safety at school.A having led B ledC leading D to lead

3、I tried() but the line was engaged.

I tried() but the line was engaged.AphoneBphonedCphoningDto phone

4、I was worried about my maths, but Mr.

I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.()ADon't worry about it.BCongratulations! That's a difficult course.CMr. Brown is very good.DGood luck to you!

5、Jim was about to sign the contract but

Jim was about to sign the contract but I().Aput him throughBturned him outCgave him upDcut him short

6、For the proper control of the air temp

For the proper control of the air temperature in an air conditioning system using chilled water circulation, which of the listed conditions sho...