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Any shipper can insist upon the bill o

Any shipper can insist upon the bill of lading incorporating a statement as to()of the goods.

  • Areasonable order and condition
  • Bapparent order and condition
  • Crational order and condition
  • Dgood order and conditio

1、()the demand of the shipper the Shipow

()the demand of the shipper the Shipowner must issue a bill of lading giving certain particulars,e.g. quality of goods shipped,their apparent condition.AInBAtCByDO

2、The author of the passage insists that

The author of the passage insists that learning the arts_________.A requires great effortsB demands real passionC is less natural than learning mathsD is as natural as learning a language

3、The manaager of the company insisted t

The manaager of the company insisted that all the staff members______________the newsafety rules.Awould observeBobserveCobservedDwill observe

4、()the Charterer is also the shipper,th

()the Charterer is also the shipper,the bill of lading is usually only a receipt for the goods and a document of title.AWhichBThereCWhereDWhile

5、If at any time the officer in charge o

If at any time the officer in charge of the navigational watch is to be relieved when a manoeuvre or other action to avoid any hazard is t...

6、The master can refuse to()in the bill

The master can refuse to()in the bill of lading the statements required by the Act if either he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that ...