可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶动力装置题库,海船船员考试题库
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With (), the corrosion problems are mu

With (), the corrosion problems are much reduced in a central cooling system.

  • Ano equipment in contact with sea water
  • Bless equipment in contact with fresh water
  • Cmore equipment in contact with sea water
  • Dless equipment in contact with sea water

1、We're having some()problems with our n

Were having some()problems with our new computer.AteethBtoothCteetheDteething

2、The main bearings are provided with th

The main bearings are provided with thin-walled (), lined with a copper-lead alloy.Asteel guidesBsteel shellsCsteel bearing capsDpig iro

3、Problems with the diesel engine fuel i

Problems with the diesel engine fuel injection pump are usually caused by()Aimproper adjustmentBcontaminated fuelCkinked fuel linesDexcessive engine vibratio

4、You are having problems with connecti

You are having problems with connections from a specific host ( not closing down correctly.You want to find the state of the threads from that host check for long-running queries. Which statement will accomplish this?()AABBCCDD

5、The piston rings are manufactured with

The piston rings are manufactured with a diameter () the bore of the cylinder.Alarger thanBsmaller thanCequal toDnone of the above

6、22. What problems are caused by too mu

22. What problems are caused by too much homework?A Feeling stressed and fighting with each other.B Feeling tired of study and getting fat.C Feeling stressed and getting short-sighted.D Getting short-sighted and feeling tired of study.