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A report of casualty to a mobile offsh

A report of casualty to a mobile offshore drilling unit must include ().

  • Athe estimated cost of damage to the unit
  • Ban evaluation of who was at fault
  • Cthe amount of ballast on board
  • Dthe name of the owner or agent of the unit

1、A Notice of Marine Casualty to a vesse

A Notice of Marine Casualty to a vessel must include().Athe estimated cost of damageBthe name of the owner or agent of the vesselCan evaluation of who was at faultDthe amount of ballast on board

2、The notice of casualty to a ship must

The notice of casualty to a ship must include().Aa request for assistanceBthe location of the unit at the time of the casualtyCan estimate of the cost to repair damagesDthe amount of fuel remaining

3、We regret to report that a consignment

We regret to report that a consignment of silk piece goods()Order No.567 has not been delivered.AwithBforConDunder

4、The notice of casualty to a vessel mus

The notice of casualty to a vessel must include().Aa request for assistanceBthe location of the unit at the time of the casualtyCan estimate of the cost to repair damagesDthe amount of fuel remaining

5、A vessel casualty must be reported to

A vessel casualty must be reported to the MSA in China if it involves().Aloss of lifeBan injury requiring only first aidCproperty damageDloss of equipment which doesn't reduce the vessel's maneuverability

6、A report of casualty to a mobile offsh

A report of casualty to a mobile offshore drilling unit must be made in writing to which office? ()ACommandant of the Coast GuardBOwner of the unitCNearest Coast Guard Marine Safety OfficeDCaptain of the nearest port