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Sludge may form in the crankcase of an

Sludge may form in the crankcase of an air conditioning compressor as a result of ().

  • Abubbling refrigerant
  • Boverheating and oxidation
  • Clowered operating temperatures
  • Dreducing the cloud or flash point

1、The change in trim of a vessel may be

The change in trim of a vessel may be found by().Adividing the trim moments by MT1Bsubtracting the LCF from the LCBClooking at the Hydrostatic Properties Table for the draft of the vesselDdividing longitudinal moments by the displacement

2、The lengthening of a crack formed in t

The lengthening of a crack formed in the shell plating of a ship may be prevented by ().Awelding brackets across both ends of the crackBchi...

3、In the event of failure of an auxiliar

In the event of failure of an auxiliary such as a lubricating pump, the standby pump is started and put on the line automatically“the line”...

4、After an accident the victim may go in

After an accident the victim may go into shock and die. What should be done to help prevent shock? ()ASlightly elevate the head andBKeep th...

5、The type of joint formed when an edge

The type of joint formed when an edge of one plate is laid over the edge of the plate to which it is riveted is a().Agrip jointBstrap jointCthread jointDlap joint

6、Sludge may form in the lubricating oil

Sludge may form in the lubricating oil crankcase of a reciprocating air conditioning compressor as a result of ().Awax precipitation in the l...