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Up until that time, his interest had f

Up until that time, his interest had focused almost _____ on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft.

  • A[A] restrictively
  • B[B] radically
  • C[C] inclusively
  • D[D] exclusively

1、()he had not hurt his leg,John would h

()he had not hurt his leg,John would have won the race.AIfBSinceCThonghDWhe

2、Not until most of the people had left

Not until most of the people had left the airport()his sister was there.Athat he sawBhad he seenCdid he seeDthat he had see

3、Mr Li, a photographer, had his photos

Mr Li, a photographer, had his photos published in the July 2014 edition of the tourism journal. The total fee was RMB20,000 and the publishe...

4、Not until the meeting was over()that h

Not until the meeting was over()that he had made a mistake in his speech.Ahe realizedBdid he realizeChehas realizedDhas he realized

5、He had lost his temper and his health

He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found _________of them again.AneitherB eitherC eathDall

6、He didn't live up to()had been expecte

He didnt live up to()had been expected of him.AwhatBwhichCthatDall