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Because of the()nature of the agreemen

Because of the()nature of the agreement,I was reluctant to discuss with him in office.

  • Aconfidential
  • Bdelicate
  • Csecret
  • Dsophisticated



1、Because the top of the connecting rod

Because the top of the connecting rod swings about the pin and changes direction each time the piston reaches mid-stroke, the relative speed b...

2、Because of the()nature of the agreemen

Because of the()nature of the agreement, I was reluctant to discuss with him in office.AconfidentialBdelieateCsecretDsophisticated

3、Because of the bad weather, the sports

Because of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be __.A shutdownB done awayC taken offD called off

4、()the incomplete nature of the survey,

()the incomplete nature of the survey,heavy draught vessels are warned not to navigate within the 10 fathom line.ABecauseBOwing toCHaving beenDBeing

5、The strongest of the natural fibers is

The strongest of the natural fibers is().AcottonBhempCmanilaDsisal

6、Because of the complexity of our moder

Because of the complexity of our modern machine, we need our workers ______.A to train specialB specified in trainingC to have specified trainingD training specially