可学答题网 > 问答 > 海上天气现象题库
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The southeast trade winds actually blo

The southeast trade winds actually blow toward the().

  • ASoutheast
  • BSouth
  • CEast
  • DNorthwest

1、During the winter months,the southeast

During the winter months,the southeast trade winds are().Astronger than during the summer monthsBweaker than during the summer monthsCdrier than during the summer monthsDwetter than during the summer month

2、The actual rudder angle reading is()

The actual rudder angle reading is()Athe rudder angle indicator readingBthe desired rudder angle readingCthe measured rudder angle readingDthe intended rudder angle reading

3、Because the actual center of some plan

Because the actual center of some planets may differ from the observed center,the navigator applies a correction known as the().Aphase correctionBrefraction correctionCsemidiameter correctionDaugmentation correctio

4、The fuel pipes and ducts should be blo

The fuel pipes and ducts should be blown with ().AatmosphereBthe fresh waterCcompressed airDchemical compound

5、The actual amount of cargo loaded depe

The actual amount of cargo loaded depends upon().Athe broken stowage listedBthe broken stowage calculatedCthe broken stowage givenDthe actual broken stowage

6、You executed the following PL/SQL blo

You executed the following PL/SQL block successfully:The above command produces Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) analysis.()A with the...