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Tide is()in direction ENE.

Tide is()in direction ENE.

  • Agetting
  • Bsetting
  • Cbeing
  • Dhaving

1、A tide is called diurnal when().

A tide is called diurnal when().Aonly one high and one low water occur during a lunar dayBthe high tide is higher and the low tide is lower than usualCthe high tide and low tide are exactly six hours apartDtwo high tides occur during a lunar day

2、The height of the tide is affected by

The height of the tide is affected by all of the following EXCEPT______.A the position of the sunB channels in the sea bottomC the direction of the windD variations in the coast line

3、The cooling water is in direct contact

The cooling water is in direct contact with the outer surface of the liner as a result of which it is termed a ().Awater linerBwet linerCdry linerDdrown liner

4、The height of tide is the ().

The height of tide is the ().Adepth of water at a specific time due to tidal effectBdifference between the depth of the water and the area...

5、Free communication effect is in direct

Free communication effect is in direct proportion to().Alength and width of spaceBlength of space onlyCwidth of space onlyDneither length nor width

6、The direction in which a vessel is ste

The direction in which a vessel is steered is the course. The path actually followed is the ().ArouteBtrackCheadingDcourse over the ground