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All the cargo holds must be()cleaned o

All the cargo holds must be()cleaned out()meet the requirement of the cargo surveyor.

  • Asuch/that
  • Bso/that
  • Csuch/to
  • Dso/as to

1、You must be responsible for all the lo

You must be responsible for all the losses arising from your delay in opening the()L/C.AcoveringBcoveredCpayingDpaid

2、All bilge suctions must be fitted with

All bilge suctions must be fitted with suitable (), which in the machinery space would be mud boxes positioned at floor plate level for easy access.AstrangersBrelief valvesCemergency valvesDstrainer

3、All the holds to be loaded with grain

All the holds to be loaded with grain must be swept()commencement of loading.ACleanly/duringBClear/meanwhileCClean/betweenDClean/prior to

4、Hatch No.1 must be cleaned up to meet

Hatch No.1 must be cleaned up to meet the()of the cargo surveyors.AnecessityBresponsibilityCrequirementDstipulatio

5、Certain cargoes must be segregated bec

Certain cargoes must be segregated because of their().Ainherent characteristicsBweightCdestinationDdanger to huma

6、Inflammable cargo()in the holds adjace

Inflammable cargo()in the holds adjacent to the engine room.Ashall never be stowedBmay be stowedCcan be stowedDshould be stowed