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The charts sold are of ().

The charts sold are of ().

  • Anewly edition with up to date correction and in reasonable prices
  • Bthe current edition and incorporate the last Notices to Mariners correction
  • Cthe current edition and incorporate the latest Notices to Mariners correction at the time of sale
  • Dbrand-new one with up to date correction and clean writing

1、The chart of a beach area shows a very

The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater beach bottom. What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach? ()ASurgingBSpillingCPlungingDConverging

2、Which of the following are benefits of

Which of the following are benefits of VLANs?()A They increase the size of collision domains.B They allow logical grouping of users by functi...

3、All of the following are part of the f

All of the following are part of the fire triangle except().AelectricityBfuleCoxygenDheat

4、All of the following are part of the f

All of the following are part of the fire triangle EXCEPT().AelectricityBfuelCoxygenDheat

5、If the electronic chart is part of an

If the electronic chart is part of an ECDIS,it must display the minimum data required by IMO/IHO,to include all of the following EXCEPT().AhydrographyBaids to navigationCtidal currentsDregulatory boundarie

6、The revision date of a chart is printe

The revision date of a chart is printed on which area of the chart? ()ATop centerBLower-left cornerCPart of the chart titleDAny clear area around the neat line