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Activity Based Costing (ABC) is an(36)

Activity Based Costing (ABC) is an(36)technique that allows an organization to determine the actual(37)associated with each product and service produced by the organization without regard to the organizational structure. This chapter explains some of the uses and benefits of Activity Based Costing. We use IDEFO(38)modeling in conjunction with ABC to enable more effective business(39)design decisions.In order to achieve the major goals of business process improvement, process simplification and improvement, FAA managers need to fully understand the cost, time, and quality of activities performed by employees or machines throughout an entire organization. ABC methods enable(40)to cost out measurements to business simplification and process improvement.

  • Acomputing
  • Bcampaigning
  • Cprogramming
  • Daccounting

1、()is based on logistics network but mo

()is based on logistics network but more computerized and systemized than logistics operation.AVirtual logisticsBImaginary logisticsCThinking logisticsDLogistics planning

2、GMPLS is based upon:

GMPLS is based upon:()APacket-based switching devicesBVPI/VCI-based switching devicesCNon-Packet-based devicesDNone of the aboveEA and B

3、Utterance is based on ();it is the re

Utterance is based on ();it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication,or simply in a context.

4、ABC Company is an old-established fir

ABC Company is an old-established firm()many year’s experience()the trade.Ahas,ofBwith,inChave,inDwith,of

5、GMPLS is based upon&

GMPLS is based upon Non-Packet-based devices.()ATrueBFalse

6、ABC Company is an old-established firm

ABC Company is an old-established firm()many year’s experience()the trade.Ahas,ofBwith,inChave,inDwith,of