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I have()her, but I have never met her.

I have()her, but I have never met her.

  • Aheard
  • Bheard of
  • Cheard from
  • Dheard a lot

1、Her family have contributed 1,000 poun

Her family have contributed 1,000 pounds()the fund.AonBforCtoDwith

2、The Master may have his/her license su

The Master may have his/her license suspended or revoked for().Acarrying stowawaysBsailing shorthandedCbeing negligentDAll of the above

3、I()her to marry me and she agreed.

I()her to marry me and she agreed.AaskBaskedCtoldDtell

4、______ I like about her is her diligen

______ I like about her is her diligence.A ThatB HowC WhatD Which

5、She mought I was talking about her so

She mought I was talking about her son___________acmaUy,I was talking a_bout my son. AwhomBwhereCwllichDwhile

6、Can I get you a drink?()But I have alr

Can I get you a drink?()But I have already got oneAThat's very nice of youBNo, you don't have toCYes, pleaseDWith pleasure