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The service life of distress signals m

The service life of distress signals must be not more than().

  • Aforty two months from the date of manufacture
  • Bthirty six months from the date of the last inspection
  • Ctwenty four months from the date of approval
  • Dtwelve months from the date of purchase

1、The effect of TV__________the life of

The effect of TV__________the life of average people is incalculable.AinBforCaboutDon

2、All of the following are distress sign

All of the following are distress signals under the Rules EXCEPT().AInternational Code Signal "AA"Borange-colored smokeCred flaresDthe repeated raising and lowering of outstretched arm

3、● Consumption of the total life-cycle

● Consumption of the total life-cycle effort in software maintenance is (71) that in software development.(71)Aless thanBlarger thanCequal or less thanDequal or larger than

4、There are six phases of the Cisco Life

There are six phases of the Cisco Lifecycle Services framework. In which of the following phases would a proposal be developed and delivered?()APrepareBOperateCPlanDDesig

5、The Safety of Life at Sea Convention w

The Safety of Life at Sea Convention was developed by the().AIMDG conferenceBAmerican Bureau of ShippingCInternational Maritime OrganizationDAmerican Institute of Maritime Shipping

6、All of the following are distress sign

All of the following are distress signals under the Rules EXCEPT().Aa green star signalBorange-colored smokeCred flaresDthe repeated raising and lowering of outstretched arm