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() difficulties they may come across,

() difficulties they may come across, they"ll help one another to overcome them.

  • AWhatever
  • BWhenever
  • CHowever
  • DWherever

[解析] 句意:不论遇到什么样的困难,他们都会互相帮助去克服的。状语从句。whatever后跟名词difficulties,表示无论什么样的困难,引导一个让步状语从句。


1、17._________they may not succeed,they

17._________they may not succeed,they will try their best.AThoughBWhenCBecauseDUnless

2、A current moving across a lock entranc

A current moving across a lock entrance toward the river or toward the dam is called a(n)().AcutoffBoutdraftClockwashDspringpool

3、Apparent wind speed blowing across a v

Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n)().AbarometerBwind vaneCanemometerDthermometer

4、The union representative put across he

The union representative put across her argument very effectively.AexplainedBinventedCconsideredDaccepted

5、The immigrants spread unevenly across

The immigrants spread unevenly across the country,with()having the largest percentage of immigrants.ANortheastBthe WestCMidwestDthe South

6、The pressure differential across a die

The pressure differential across a diesel engine lube oil system duplex filter should be checked to ________.Adetermine the need for filter cleaningBmeasure any change in oil viscosityCprevent damage to the filterDdetermine the need for batch filtration