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The foreigners once ______their produc

The foreigners once ______their products to our company at a ______higher price.

  • A sent, very
  • B lent, still
  • C sold, much
  • D showed, more

12.答案为C  参考译文:这些外国人曾经以非常高的价格卖给我们公司他们的产品。第一个空是区分动词的词义题。第二个空是要选用程度副词修饰形容词的比较级。


1、The family reported their son________

The family reported their son__________the next morning after searching everywhere for a whole night. AmissesBmissedCto missDmissing

2、It isn’t quite ________ that their te

It isn’t quite ________ that their team will win the game this evening.AexactBrightCsureDcertain

3、Iwish they__________ in their ball gam

Iwish they__________ in their ball game.Awill be succeededBsucceededCwould be successfulDwere success

4、The foreign company has been______ run

The foreign company has been______ running this factory for decades.A enormouslyB effectivelyC infinitelyD extremely

5、Their ______Coil Smith says, “Animal r

Their ______Coil Smith says, “Animal research is irrelevant to our health and it can often produce misleading results. ”A spokesmanB spokemanC speaking manD spoken man

6、So involved with their computers _____

So involved with their computers _______ that leaders at summer computer caps often have to force them to break for sports and games.AA became the cildren B become the children C had the children become D do the children become