目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

To improne the pmlity of our products

To improne the pmlity of our products we uaked for nuggratior a had used the producu.

  • Awhacver
  • Bwho
  • Cwhichever
  • Dwhich

1、The majority of our students ______the

The majority of our students ______the life of these native people.A have never heard ofB has heard aboutC has never heard ofD have never listened to

2、To improve the quality of our products

To improve the quality of our products ,we asks for suggestions _______had used the products.AwhoeverB whoC whicheverDwhich

3、The productivity of working shifts can

The productivity of working shifts can be improved through a decrease of().Aworking hoursBgangsCidle timeDweight per set

4、The production __________of the factor

The production __________of the factory is now 800,000 units.AabilityBpowerCcapacityDpossibility

5、Because of the complexity of our moder

Because of the complexity of our modern machine, we need our workers ______.A to train specialB specified in trainingC to have specified trainingD training specially

6、In our office, the women()the men 3 to

In our office, the women()the men 3 to 1.Aover numberBout numberCoff numberDpast number