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His attitude toward us seems()

His attitude toward us seems()

  • Anicely
  • Bwarmly
  • Ckindly
  • Dfriendly

1、The author’s attitudes towards future,

The author’s attitudes towards future, as is indicated in the beginning of the second paragraph, is one of______.A[A] reluctant acceptanceB[B] sheer pessimismC[C] mild optimismD[D] extreme hopefulness

2、What is the author’s attitude towards

What is the author’s attitude towards the modem teehnology?ACriticalBObjectiveCOptimisticDNegative

3、What is the author’s attitude towards

What is the author’s attitude towards the Parliament?A[A] Indignant.B[B] Skeptical.C[C] Inquisitive.D[D] Critical.

4、The casual attitude in the US does not

The casual attitude in the US does not mean()no hierarchy in US companies.Athat isBthere isCthere areDthat are

5、The author’s attitude towards euthanas

The author’s attitude towards euthanasia seems to be that of ________.A[A] oppositionB[B] suspicionC[C] approvalD[D] indifference

6、岩层的产状(attitude of stratum)

岩层的产状(attitude of stratum)