可学答题网 > 问答 > 驾驶台资源管理题库,内河船员考试题库
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Every deck officer should be able eff

Every deck officer should be able efficiently carry out:()

  • AA、Conning
  • BB、Navigation/Collision Avoidance
  • CC、Administration
  • DD、Above of all



1、A(An)()should be issued for every comp

A(An)()should be issued for every company complying with the requirement of the ISM Code by the Administration.

2、During the deck repair,() should be me

During the deck repair,() should be measured firstly before tail shaft is drawn out.Athe sinking of tail shaftBthe clearance of stern bearingCthe total flexure of both end bearingDmain engine crankshaft deflectio

3、On the forecastle deck,the chief offic

On the forecastle deck,the chief officer and the bosun()sharp lookout.Ato keepBare keepCis keepingDare keeping

4、A qualified deck officer should be()th

A qualified deck officer should be()the watch.Ain charge ofBarrangedCdecided toDthe depth of

5、Every ship should hoist()when approach

Every ship should hoist()when approaching and entering ports.Aits flashing lightBthe ship's nameCits identificationDits signal letter

6、Every office has a dress code,but in t

Every office has a dress code,but in today’s()workplace,they aren’t always written.AcausalBcapableCcapitalDcasual