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The container operator looks forward t

The container operator looks forward to()the goods before the end of this month.

  • Aaelivery
  • Bdelivery of
  • Cour delivery
  • Ddeliver



1、We look forward to()the goods in the f

We look forward to()the goods in the fourth quarter.Athe delivery ofByour deliveryCdeliverDdelivery

2、They look forward to()t

Theylookforwardto()thenewproductssoon.A sawB seeC seeingD to see

3、The lines led forward from the bow and

The lines led forward from the bow and aft from the stern when a vessel is moored to the dock are().Abow and stern linesBbreast linesChalyardsDwar

4、The distance that a ship moves forward

The distance that a ship moves forward with each revolutionof its propeller,if there is no slip,is called().AadvanceBhead reachCpitchDtransfer

5、An operator is asked to shutdown the t

An operator is asked to shutdown the telnet service for security reasons. What are the appropriate commands to achieve this?()A comment out t...

6、The average of the forward and after d

The average of the forward and after drafts is the().Amean draftBtrue mean draftCmean of the calculated draftsDdraft at the center of flotatio