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Channel 13 (156.65 MHz),the designated

Channel 13 (156.65 MHz),the designated bridge-to-bridge channel,may NOT be used to().

  • Aexchange navigational information between vessels
  • Bexchange navigational information between a vessel and a shore station
  • Cconduct necessary tests
  • Dexchange operating schedules with company dispatcher

1、When the changing of a VHF channel / f

When the changing of a VHF channel / frequency is accepted,say().AI am going to change to VHF channelBI am certainly going to change to VHF channelCChanging to VHF channelDVHF channel. has been changed

2、Preferred channel buoys indicate the p

Preferred channel buoys indicate the preferred channel to transit by().Aodd or even numbersBthe color of their top bandCthe location of the buoy in the channel junctionDthe buoy's light rhythm

3、Channel 13 is primarily used for ship

Channel 13 is primarily used for ship to ship communication. Channel 13 is also authorized for().Acoast to aircraft operational communicationsBa...

4、The ONS 15216 is a 32-channel system.

The ONS 15216 is a 32-channel system. The ONS 15216 OADMs are capable of adding and dropping one, two, or four channels. How are the OADMs ...

5、The place where a channel moves from a

The place where a channel moves from along one bank of the river over to the other bank of the river is called a().AdraftBcutoffCdrawDcrossing

6、The English Channel separates the isla

The English Channel separates the island of Great Britain from().ADenmarkBBelgiumCFranceDthe Netherland