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The three Ds mentioned in the last par

The three Ds mentioned in the last paragraph are( )

  • A[A] auction houses' favorites
  • B[B] contemporary trends
  • C[C] factors promoting artwork circulation
  • D[D] styles representing Impressionists

最后一段提到的三个D是指______。[A]拍卖行最喜欢的东西 [B]当代的(流行)趋势[C]促进艺术品循环的因素 [D]代表印象派的风格答案解析:[C]推理判断题。文章最后一段第三句“The three Ds—death,debt and divorce—still deliver works of art to the market.”提到“三个D一一死亡,债务和离婚,依然为市场提供艺术作品。”紧接着下一句指出,“But anyone who does not have to sell is keeping away,waiting for confidence to return.”即“但那些并非必须卖作品的人就一直远离着市场,等待信心的回归。”可见,三个D(死亡,债务和离婚),是促进艺术品进入市场循环的因素,故选[C]。[A]、[B]和[D]都不符合题意,均排除。


1、The word "stigma" in the last sentence

The word "stigma" in the last sentence of Paragraph 1 most probably means ________.( )A[A] statusB[B] disgraceC[C] perspectiveD[D] benefit

2、The word" registered" in the last line

The word" registered" in the last line most probably means ______AA) markedBB) approachedCC) listedDD) booked

3、The word "scarcity" in the last paragr

The word "scarcity" in the last paragraph may most probably mean______.A lackB mistakeC funD similarity

4、The underlined word “they” in the last

The underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refers to 。A criminals B pigeonsC the stolen cars D demands for money

5、In the last sentence of the second par

In the last sentence of the second paragraph, "the higher places on earth" refers to ______.A the high mountainsB the lighter rocksC the vast oceanD the great continent

6、By mentioning the experiment in the se

By mentioning the experiment in the second paragraph,the author implies that______.( )A[A]our definition of what’s normal varies with genderB[B...