可学答题网 > 问答 > 物流英语综合练习题库,物流员(四级)题库
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How many categories are there in water

How many categories are there in water transport?()

  • A 2
  • B 3
  • C 4
  • D Not available in the paragraph



1、How many flows are there in global log

How many flows are there in global logistics?()A OneB TwoC FourD Three

2、46.There are so many kinds of MP5 in t

46.There are so many kinds of MP5 in the shop. We can-t decide _________ .A what to buyB to buy whatC which to buyD to buy which

3、How many PPM of the oily water can be

How many PPM of the oily water can be pumped out within 12 miles along the China coast line?().Aat least 15 PPMBabout 15 PPMCup to 15 PPMDno less than 15 PPM

4、How many()are there altogether?

How many()are there altogether?Asweeping bagBsweepings bagCsweeping bagsDsweepings bag

5、40. Are there many people there?

40. Are there many people there?A Yes, there are.B Yes, there is.C No, there aren’tD No,theres no.

6、There are many()in China.

There are many()in China.Afemale sengineersBfemale sengineerCwomen engineersDwoman engineer