可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶电气与船舶安全题库
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If liquid freon should come in with yo

If liquid freon should come in with your skin, you should ()

  • Awash with salt water
  • Bwash with sterile mineral oil
  • Ctreat it like frostbite
  • Dtreat it like any bur

1、If you observe smoke coming from the t

If you observe smoke coming from the turbocharger of an auxiliary diesel engine, you should()Acheck the air filter for obstructionBcheck for an exhaust leakCcheck the exhaust temperatureDsecure the engine

2、Everything comes with ____price;there

Everything comes with ____price;there is no such__________ thing as free lunch inthe world.Aa,aB the, /C the, /Da,

3、In a centrifugal Freon refrigeration s

In a centrifugal Freon refrigeration system, the overall capacity of the system is increased by()Aopening more bypass linesBopening additional expansion valvesCadding refrigerantDspeeding up the machine

4、Corrosive liquids and acids should hav

Corrosive liquids and acids should have what kind of label? ()ASkull and crossbonesBYellowCRedDWhite

5、Sally's parents() come and stay with h

Sallys parents() come and stay with her soon.Aare goingBare going toCis going to

6、We would appreciate it very much if yo

We would appreciate it very much if you could make arrangements before September 15 to charter a ship()the terms mentioned in your yesterday’s telex.AaccordingBasConDat