可学答题网 > 问答 > 液化气体与IGC规则题库
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Compared to the amount of concentrated

Compared to the amount of concentrated foam liquid used,the amount of low expansion mechanical foam produced is().

  • A97 times greater
  • B94 times greater
  • C10 times greater
  • D2 times greater

1、The amount of expansion space to be le

The amount of expansion space to be left in a fuel tank when fuel oil is being received, is determined by the ().Aquantity of fuel to be...

2、Due to the large amount of heat picked

Due to the large amount of heat picked up by the air in boiler and engine rooms, it would be () to maintain ambient conditions within the comfort zone by air conditioning.ApossibleBnecessaryCpracticableDimpracticable

3、The airborne concentrations of substan

The airborne concentrations of substances (such as H2S) under which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed without adverse effects are called().Aexposure limitsBconcentration limitsCthreshold limit valuesDsubstance limit value

4、The 3-cm radar as compared to a 10-cm

The 3-cm radar as compared to a 10-cm radar with similar specifications will().Agive better range performance in rain,hail,etcBdisplay small t...

5、Compared with last year, the output of

Compared with last year, the output of the factory this year has increased()20%.AwithBatCforDby

6、To reduce the amount of catenary you m

To reduce the amount of catenary you may().Ashorten the hawser or increase the tug's speedBlengthen the hawser or reduce the tug's speedCplace your tug in ironsDmake a sharp tur