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0n a vesel proceeding from a very cold

0n a vesel proceeding from a very cold to a warm climate with a cargo of a nonhygroscopic nature in the holds, which is true?().

  • ADanger of heavy ship sweat exists; constant and vigorous ventilation is required
  • BThere is danger of heavy cargo sweat if outside air is introduced by ventilation
  • CThere is little danger of ships sweat, slight possibility of cargo sweat; moderate ventilation is needed
  • DThe po sibility of any sweat problem, either cargo or ship, is frame

1、A vessel is proceeding from a very col

A vessel is proceeding from a very cold climate to a warm climate.With a cargo of non-hygroscopic nature,which of the following is correct?(...

2、After a cold front passes,the barometr

After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure().Adrops,and the temperature dropsBdrops,and the temperature risesCrises,and the temperature dropsDrises,and the temperature rise

3、A vessel is proceeding downstream in a

A vessel is proceeding downstream in a narrow channel on the Western Rivers when another vessel is sighted moving upstream. Which vessel has t...

4、After a cold front passes,the barometr

After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure().ADrops,and the temperature dropsBDrops,and the temperature risesCRises,and the temperature dropsDRises,and the temperature rise

5、Cold clearances between the skirt of a

Cold clearances between the skirt of an aluminum piston and the cylinder liner is about ()Atwice as large as with a cast iron pistonBthe sa...

6、0n a crane ,the boom indicator tells t

0n a crane ,the boom indicator tells the operator what angle the boom angle is compared to the().Avertical positionBhorizontal positionCboom stop angleDminimum radius angle